Friday, October 28, 2011

October Songs -- by Donna Carrick

October is the perfect time for poetry.

The North country is in flux, it's mood changing daily -- even hourly. The sights, sounds and smells of a dying season fill our senses.

In Canada, these feelings may be even more acute. Some of us approach the snow and ice with trepidation, but overall there is a sense of resignation that brings a certain peace.

We want the world to pause, to hold its beauty for just a little longer. It's with this theme in mind that I offer these October Songs:


I will take this love
Wherever it may lead me,
As long as I have words...


October's passion:
splendor of red, orange, gold.
My love walks with me.


Precious solitude.
Autumn claims the heart of me,
whispers to my soul.


For awhile they held
deep cool breath of Fall -- in love --
and then she was gone.


I hope you will enjoy these pieces. Please feel free to visit again, stay awhile, and share your own thought on this season by commenting below.

Thank you,
Donna Carrick October 28, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

This Time of Love and Laughter ~ Donna Carrick, Oct. 16/11

It goes... it goes so fast,
This time of love and laughter.
It flies on silver wings
Through skies of blue.

And though we try our best
To hold the smiles, the sunlight,
In twinkling of an eye
It fades to memory...

Quicksilver joy, comradeship,
Hands that we hold today.
Eyes that watch as moments
Soar by like coloured kites.

For nothing lasts but memory,
Sweet ghost of love gone by.

Donna Carrick
October 16, 2011