This is a thoughtful time of year, with Fall in the air and the children back at school. Our Canadian Thanksgiving is on the horizon and minds are sated from the summer's abundant rays.
Things are quieting down for us on the social front, as they do every September. Our northern home enjoys many warm-weather visitors -- in winter, not so many.
It's a season for gratitude, and with that in mind, I'd like to take a moment to ponder the people for whom I am most thankful:
1- Those who are consistent in their kindness, generously including us in the fun times, even as we do our best to be gracious and inclusive friends. Your company decorates our lives. It sparkles like sunset on our own Georgian Bay.
2- Those who bravely hold and express their true views while remembering to respect the individual rights of others to do the same. Those who refrain from hostile or overbearing debate, prefering to 'simply state' as desired, then move aside, allowing others to feel at liberty to 'simply state'. Those who remember that 'freedom' is a farce without mutual respect.
3- Those who think of us, just as we think of them, as necessary elements in our lives.
4- Those who recognize that we are imperfect, but love us anyway.
5- Those who are aware of their own imperfections, but who possess the best of hearts, which always trumps our human flaws.
6- Those who arrive without fail, who honour tradition, who bring their smiles and laughter. Those who enjoy us, and who allow us to enjoy them.
7- Fellow writers, with their constant support for each other. The way they share ideas, their unending encouragement for one another. They are the recorders of our time, their words are paintings to be viewed by generations to follow.
8- My on-line friends, for the generous way they share the large and small events of every-day life. Their joys, their sorrows, even at times their grief. I so look forward to their updates, their pictures and their news.
9- Let me not forget to express this same gratitude for my own dearest ones. My husband, Alex, and our three 'next generation' beloveds, Tom, Ted and Tammy. When times are difficult, you are the ones I most rely on, and for you my gratitude knows no bounds.
Being human, I often fall short of my own ideals. I hope the people in my life will forgive my shortcomings, knowing my friendship is honest and true.
That's all for today.
Donna Carrick
September 6, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
August 31, 2012: Blue Moon Rising
Just wanted to share a quiet haiku on the final day of August:
August gleams its last.
Summer dances in denial
Under fulsome moon.
August gleams its last.
Summer dances in denial
Under fulsome moon.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Wearing the White Carnation ~ Remembering Mom and other amazing women

I would be lucky to possess one-half of her wisdom -- the common sense with which she approached every one of life's challenges.

Nanny Mary held three jobs for most of her adult life. She was head cook at one of the most prestigious hotel/restaurants in the Maritimes -- the Brunswick Hotel -- as well as keeping 2 permanent jobs as maid/family cook/housekeeper for wealthier people in her neighbourhood.
Although she belonged to the class of "working poor" during the Dirty Thirties, Nanny Mary taught me about charity. She never feared walking the streets of Moncton alone past midnight. Every homeless person on High Street knew her name, and they knew that Mary was on her way home from her job at the hotel. She carried food from the restaurant, which she gave to each person she encountered. She told me: Don't fear a poor man, or a working man. Share when you can. There is always someone worse off than you.
In my memory Nanny Mary is always laughing. She never saw the hard life as something to complain about.

Here are my Mom, my Nanny Mary and my father's sister, Aunt Betty, who was my mother's closest childhood friend. My mother and my Aunt Betty shared a bond based on perpetual good humour, kindness and devotion to their families and friends. I am thrilled when my cousins tell me I look like their mother. I think so, too!
When I was first asked to write a "Mother's Day" blog, I was hesitant. My mother's life was not one that could be easily packaged in a few sentimental phrases of 'a thousand words or less'.
I wanted to honour her, but not at the expense of the truth. How could I celebrate the spirited "Mighty Mouse" of my childhood, without turning a blind eye to the hardships life dealt her?
For purposes of this Mothers' Day Memorial, though, I'm determined to focus on the happy moments. Here (on the far left) is a picture of my beautiful mother, standing as maid of honour at her sister Helen's wedding. You can see the joy of youth in Mom's face -- the hopes of one day marrying and starting her own family. It's all there.

On to the next generation of Mothers! This is me, on April 3. 2010. (My 50th birthday.) I'm grateful for the path that led me to my incredible husband and family, and for this smile on my face. They say all roads lead to Rome. My path has sometimes seemed impossible, but it brought me to exactly where I want to be. I have no regrets.

I only hope that one day, when it's their turn to wear the "White Carnation", they will remember me with love.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Once, on a cool Spring afternoon... ~ Donna Carrick, April 8, 2012
April, 2012 Poems
On a cool Spring afternoon
Complete with birdsong,
The roar of distant waves
And enthusiastic neighbour dogs
Barking on their walks
Filling our ears,
We sat, my dog and I,
'Neath a grey sky.
Our hair coiled,
Dampened by the drizzle
That fell from trees.
Soft muted colours,
The green of new-ling lillies
And white birch bark,
Protected from our eyes
by diffused daylight
That spackled here and there,
Now hiding, but look quick,
Showing for an instant,
The season's splendour
Still to come.
I looked at my fine companion,
And she at me,
And in the quiet of the moment
I wrote,
"We were here."
On a cool Spring afternoon
Complete with birdsong,
The roar of distant waves
And enthusiastic neighbour dogs
Barking on their walks
Filling our ears,
We sat, my dog and I,
'Neath a grey sky.
Our hair coiled,
Dampened by the drizzle
That fell from trees.
Soft muted colours,
The green of new-ling lillies
And white birch bark,
Protected from our eyes
by diffused daylight
That spackled here and there,
Now hiding, but look quick,
Showing for an instant,
The season's splendour
Still to come.
I looked at my fine companion,
And she at me,
And in the quiet of the moment
I wrote,
"We were here."
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Writer Within ~ thoughts for a cold month
Sometimes eyes closed the writer within sees all knows the score needs only the movement of fingers to explore express exalt the word...
In quiet moments words drop like stones onto/into placid water each resonates with its own sound each ripple-set unique as meaning grows.
In quiet moments words drop like stones onto/into placid water each resonates with its own sound each ripple-set unique as meaning grows.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Crime Writer’s Quest ~ Donna Carrick, January 19, 2012
The world is comprised of both good and evil.
We understand this to be one of life’s core truths.
Those of us who bear the scars of our own encounters with the latter will often search for meaning inside the random complexities of our existence.
Occasionally we’ll catch a glimmer of the order we crave. It’ll peek at us from the face of a smiling friend; we’ll taste it in a lover’s kiss or feel it in the warmth of a beloved child’s unbidden hug.
It’ll hover in the air, shimmering like after-rain rising from pavement on a scorching day.
Then, just as quickly, our sense of understanding disappears.
It gets lost in the sound of a stranger’s footstep after dark. It cannot survive the panic when our car stalls on a deserted road, or when an otherwise empty house speaks to us in the dead of night.
We Crime Writers understand this: that the fabric of our society is woven with strands of both light and darkness. We get that, as often as not, there is no ‘meaning’ waiting to be revealed in the behaviour of our fellow-man.
Human acts of kindness and cruelty have no more consistency than can be found in the wind, one moment singing to us softly and the next raging without mercy, flinging guilty and innocent alike out of its malicious path.
Still, we Crime Writers crave balance. We long for equilibrium, to adjust those scales time and again. We set our caps for justice.
We carve our heroes from 'inner nobility' and set them loose to rain perfection on an imperfect world.
And yes, we know our very concept of 'universal justice' is merely an illusion.
That’s why we call it fiction.
Donna Carrick, January 19, 2012
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